© New Zealand Broadcasting School 2025
Josephine Duncan

People say that I talk a lot, and they're probably right.... but it's nothing compared to the amount I talk to myself. I always loved a good conversation (even if it's by myself) or a bit of banter because something about it sparks your imagination. What drew me to radio was the chance for imagination to thrive. In such a visual world, we are bombarded with other people's interpretations of stories. Radio lets your imagination come to life.

Radio and I have something in common, we both love people. Through my job as a promotional assistant, I see people with a strong connection with radio and its impact. I've loved being part of that connection, even if they'd rather see the hosts than me.

I've expanded my skills by being part of both digital and programming.  Being a part of the digital team has let my imagination thrive and allowed me to showcase my strengths in collaboration, communication, positive attitude, work ethic, and adaptability. I've learnt a new skill set and can't wait to create more. Starting something new can be scary, but that is when the most growth is made. Programming has pushed me to learn and grow, and I'm grateful for what I've learnt. Solving problems and thinking logically in high-stress situations has become one of my strengths. I've learnt to get stuck in, and if you get knocked down, get back up again.

My ability to talk to myself was handy when producing and delivering a solo radio show on Plains FM featuring celebrity news called 'In the Know'. This developed my skills in time management and my strength in reliability.

Now, you're probably imagining what it would be like to work with me. Let's turn that imagination into reality.